Thursday, September 3, 2020
Political Campaign Funding Essay Example For Students
Political Campaign Funding Essay Regardless of what your social issue, on the off chance that you need to explain it get the cash outof governmental issues. At exactly that point will officials vote in favor of their kin as opposed to theirpocketbooks. Jack E. Lohman. Cash ruins governmental issues, and when contributionsare being made to competitors it isn't to the greatest advantage of the Americanpeople. Battle Finance is wild in todays political races. Competitors are taking cash from any place and whoever they can get it. Softmoney is coursing through races without care or alert. Individuals who makethese commitments don't share the perspectives on the normal resident, sopoliticians wind up speaking to an inappropriate people. Cash chooses races, sometimesleaving the better man however lighter high-roller out of a position. Applicants makedecisions dependent on what will help them monetarily that what is better for thepeople. Commitments by industry are made not in light of a legitimate concern for the people,sometimes harming them in manners they dont even know. Regardless of what theopposition may state battle money change is required earnestly to keep ourdemocracy as our organizers expected it. Individuals and partnerships that make thelargest gifts to crusades don't impart perspectives to everyone. Government officials will tune in to the individuals who give them cash with the goal that they can depend onthat cash being there again when it is the ideal opportunity for re-appointment. However individualdonors making a $200 dollar or more commitment make up just .33% of thepopulation. This amazingly little level of generally well off people gainthe capacity to impact lawmakers exactly as they would prefer. The possibility that these peopleshould have influence to influence government more than those with less cash goesagainst the idea of fairness for all, which is the thing that made this nation extraordinary. Individuals who make huge gifts don't have similar perspectives in general asthe all inclusive community. Robert L. Borosage and Ruy Teixeira report that while 53percent of voters need stricter guidelines on organizations and enterprises, togive laborers a reasonable compensation and working conditions, 58 percent of crusade donorswant to see less command over the organizations and partnerships of America. Donorsalso need less government going through with lower charges, while the greater part ofcitizens need a bigger, all the more remarkable government. An extremely small piece of ourpopulation is offering cash to crusades mentioning to applicants what they need to doto keep getting effort commitments, yet these individuals don't representthe philosophy and supposition of the individuals in general. There must be a change inthe way that battles are financed if vote based system is to endure. In the event that we do notreform battle fund we will have government officials working just for the individuals who canafford to contribute. Cash is the main consideration in any political race. It cansway a choice firmly relying upon how well it is utilized. In the House,the competitor who spends the most cash on their crusade wins 92% of thetime. Things are the same in the Senate, here 88% of the time the biggerspender wins. Occupants are typically the tip cash high-roller, since they raisemore cash. Paul Starr, essayist for The American Prospect , gauges that itwould take $1,000,000 for a challenger to crush the occupant. The main way achallenger could get this sort of cash is bid to enormous business andthe well off, who have profoundly various thoughts regarding government than thegeneral open. A challenger, to try and get an opportunity, would need to turn tobusiness and riches to win. With this incredible trouble to de-seat an incumbent,turnover in congress drops, and individuals become stale, winning on name alone. At the same time, they are offering breaks to the companies and affluent individuals whogot them there. With battles fund change, we could get challengers andincumbents on a level playing field so the competitor with the better ideaswho will genuinely enable the dominant part to will wind up the victor. It would not mattermuch where competitors got the cash from for their battles aside from that whenelected, government officials follow up on in understanding to the desires of the individuals who have madedonations. 71% of residents state that a government officials decisions and votes are made onthe premise of cash. 61% of benefactors concur with this. Its been clarified that asmall level of individuals make gifts, and these individuals don't speak to thepopulation all in all. On the off chance that government officials settle on choices dependent on this little groupof individuals they are not speaking to the whole populace ,or doing what is bestfor the greater part, as they were re cruited to do. Government officials acknowledge where they getfunding and work to please those with the cash. Robert Reich gauges thathalf of all Americans with a million dollar a year pay or more prominent have hadtheir picture taken with the president. This consideration is setting off to a groupthat comprises of under 90,000. This can't be solid for a legislature thatis expected to work for all Americans. At the point when congress people make decisionsbased on whether it will fill their crusade subsidize, it isn't agent ofthe individuals that they ought to speak to. The choices that they make may beharmful to the individuals, yet that doesn't make a difference to certain government officials. All thatmatter to them is dollars. The individuals dont know this however in light of the fact that thosedollars are spent attempting to persuade everybody that their delegate did agood work and worked for their wellbeing. Cash does make a difference to politiciansand they recollect and rew ard the individuals who get them into office. Gifts made bycorporations frequently hurt people either monetarily or even medicinally. .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6 , .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6 .postImageUrl , .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6 , .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6:hover , .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6:visited , .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6:active { border:0!important; } .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6:active , .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-improvement: underline; } .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-design: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabf b33e4f8ede6 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u69aa0dc23ab830b42fabfb33e4f8ede6:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Essay on The Atomic Bomb EssayCorporations make up a huge part of the gatherings that give liberal gifts. These companies couldn't care less what is useful for the individuals, all they care aboutis their own main concern. On the off chance that this implies transporting perilous or undesirable products,that is the thing that will be finished. Food organizations have given $41 million dollars onthe guarantee by applicants, that once in office, won't make stricterregulations on e-coli security. E-coli is a savage microscopic organisms that infectsnumerous individuals consistently. Be that as it may, because of gifts by food organizations, governmentwill not direct these organizations to secure Americans. Food organizations are notalone, the cotton business is likewise to blame. Wellbeing principles that somecompanies remember for night wear willfully in light of the extraordinary danger of burns,are not national law. The cotton business gives liberal commitments toCongress with the expectation that any enactment concerning wellbeing gauges will be shutdown. These are security guidelines t hat have just spared many lives andcould spare some more. Crusade cash from ventures stops laws that would helpout each American. New medications are discharged into the market for open useeveryday. The organization that started the medication holds a patent on that sedate foran measure of time, after this time any organization can make this medication and offer itat a serious cost. Serious costs would be of extraordinary assistance to those whoare on a fixed pay, for example, the old populace, and can't manage the cost of thehigh cost of meds. Commitments of !8.4 million going to crusades and8.4 million in delicate cash from medication creating organizations have influencedpoliticians to extend the measure of time that licenses on drugs last, costingAmericans millions. These are only three instances of how enterprises hurt thepeople of America by giving to crusades. There are a lot additionally harming averagecitizens regularly, without them in any event, knowing it. At long last c itizen pay forthese commitments that hurt them so much at any rate. At the point when a huge business makes adonation, they should compensate for the lost cash. They do this by raising
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Teaching Preschool Children Reading
Phonological mindfulness is a significant viewpoint in the basics of perusing. It is the initial phase in proficiency. Kids can learn phonological mindfulness in an assortment of ways. Rhyming, sentence and word acknowledgment, sound information, phonemes, letter ID, spelling, and games which require undivided attention are a couple of the strategies utilized by instructors in the study hall. These strategies help in a childââ¬â¢s perusing and discourse fluency.All kids need to figure out how to peruse and write so as to get by in todayââ¬â¢s society. There have been a wide range of strategies utilized so as to show phonemic attention to preschool kids. Phonemic mindfulness is the ability of a person to separate, distinguish and control explicit sounds. A model would be a kid consolidating and mixing the sounds in the word feline. Numerous individuals accept that phonics and phonemic mindfulness are something very similar. In any case, phonic mindfulness is perceiving that word s originate from sounds with thusly make up a language. Phonics is realizing that sounds are made out of letters which create a composing style.In request to show a youngster phonic mindfulness and to peruse, an instructor must fathom the technique that the cerebrum figures so as to comprehend the printed information. The cerebrum experiences three capacities which encourage understanding. Initially, there is data maintenance which needs to manage spikes of the earth. Second, language verbalization is the place a youngster utilizes earlier information so as to relate its significance; and the third procedure is demonstrating and making associations with previous data . Perusing cognizance happens in the frontal flap of the mind. At the point when this procedure happens, it prompts a comprehension and information on what an individual has seen and read.Phonological preparing is a personââ¬â¢s capacity to listen andâ comprehend tongue just as printed terms. Henceforth, it is to st ate that the kid perceives the sound each letter makes. Precisely our cerebrum unknowingly forms verbal correspondence. In a flash a kid assembles phonemes so as to articulate the word and breaks down it to get a handle on the oral language. Rather than discourse, perusing includes a childââ¬â¢s information during the time spent partner composed words with the letters in order and thusly creating verbally expressed words. Hence, a kid must be of cognizant psyche so as to get the hang of perusing. An educator must train a kid in the phonological groupings of letters all together for the youngster to get phonological processing.There are a wide range of strategies an instructor can use so as to assemble phonological mindfulness. One procedure would be combining words and sounds by and large so as to build new words. The words formed can be senseless or accurate. This method encourages the childââ¬â¢s utilization of phonemes, which was an examination directed by McCandlies, Cohen , and Dehaene in 2003 . Having a kid join letters and afterward isolating them is another type of building phonological mindfulness. It will likewise help them in perceiving the letters of the letter set. Instances of the exercises referenced above are having a kid say the primary sound in the word ââ¬Å"ratâ⬠and afterward saying each letter sound separately. Mixing would comprise of telling a youngster state ââ¬Ëatââ¬â¢ and afterward expressing to them to put a ââ¬Ërââ¬â¢ in front and state the new word.These exercises can been finished with an assortment of materials, for example, chalk, sheets and markers. Recall preschool youngsters are extremely visual. The greater development they use, the better they hold the data. Picture is a phonic mindfulness 3 letter word game.Many individuals don't consider innovative to be as a methods for learning. Nonetheless, it is during play that kids are at their most persuasive formative stage as indicated by Vygotsky, a Russi an clinician. Since the youngsters are imaging various circumstances, they are partner ordinary exercises and doling out importance to them. During this time, people and things can change themselves into various things. For instance, a kid can turn into a feline, or a child and a bit of development paper can be changed over into a notebook for taking requests in an eatery. Through the childrenââ¬â¢s connections and language, they accumulate and trade information, experiences,â and jargon which upgrade their verbal correspondence through shared trade (Genishi and Dyson, 2009).Collaborative tunes and games can likewise be a way to show phonological mindfulness. Nursery rhymes can be used as an apparatus for phonological mindfulness. Rhyming exercises, for example, asking a youngster which words rhyme or which ones don't rhyme will upgrade their mindfulness. An instructor may likewise say a word and ask a youngster which word rhymes with it (Phillips, Clancy-Menchetti, Lonigan, 200 8). A few models would be: this elderly person, head shoulder knees and toes, one two clasp my shoe and Humpty Dumpty. Games that comprise phonological mindfulness don't need to originate from a book. They can be created from oneââ¬â¢s regular exercises. Instances of these exercises would be an outing to the supermarket or excellence salon.Children can be asked which things in the store start with a similar letter sound or which nail shines have similar letters in them. On the off chance that a youngster doesn't react or state the right answer, make certain to reflect the right reaction and not express that they weren't right. The educator should bolster the youngster through the learning procedure. The accompanying outline clarifies the means of phonological awareness.Activities which execute design acknowledgment are additionally productive at phonological mindfulness. This is an astounding device to use in the study hall because of the way that kids figure out how to peruse by recognizing designs. At the point when a kid partners words from letter designs and interfaces the sounds, this is called designing. An instructor ought to recreate, practices, and watch the youngsters when showing design acknowledgment so as to decide the childââ¬â¢s headways around there. Appraisals should cover word region, sound blends, and arranging new information into designs. Redundancy is the key in the learning process.Preschool youngsters have a limited ability to focus; subsequently, keep exercises fun and energizing so as to encourage the best learning condition. Not all kids have a similar proficiency foundation and inclination; they originate from an assortment of conditions and social childhoods. Therefore, educators must adjust to every individual childââ¬â¢s style of learning and pace. There will consistently beâ variations in the learning process.Technology is a piece of our regular day to day existences. Kids have PCs, iPhones, iPodââ¬â¢s, and tablets. Since innovation encompasses youngsters twenty - four hours of the day, seven days per week, guardians need to exploit the circumstance and utilize the time astutely. There are numerous games online which can assist youngsters with building their phonological mindfulness. Sites which guardians can use are:,,,,, and these sites give instructive games to preschool youngsters. They have an assortment of subjects, for example, math, perusing, and science. Additionally they spread the essentials of the letters in order, phonics, sounds, and mixing. These games are particularly fascinating for those youngsters who are visual and sound-related learners.Percentage of kids who are going on the web every day for instructive purposes As expressed above, there are a wide range of methods that an educator can utilize so as to teach a kid. Different strategies, for example, continued perusing, d isplaying familiarity, and jump frog are additionally valuable apparatuses in phonological mindfulness. Kids mimic and copy grown-up conduct. Along these lines, it is indispensable that an educator addresses a youngster in the proper linguistic issue. They will store the data and use it later in different circumstances that emerge. Albeit a preschool kid doesn't have the foggiest idea how to peruse, they do make relationship with words. Consequently, perusing each day for thirty minutes will construct a childââ¬â¢s vocabulary.Books which have tape chronicles and CDs are likewise acceptable hotspots for jargon structures, rhyme, and word division. In nowadays, guardians are not worried about their childrenââ¬â¢s training. They burn through at least fifty dollars on computer games as opposed to offering instructive help. It is uninformed for them to accept that projects like VPK and Head Start are giving a kid to play and connect socially. Albeit social connection is indispensab le to a preschool youngster, instruction incitement is likewise urgent. Educators experience innumerable instructional courses so as to give their understudies elevated expectations. There are an assortment of sources that guardians and instructors can utilize. PC games, web destinations, books, rhymes, music and development, and exercises made by the educator or parent are for the most part approaches to give phonological awareness.Parents and instructors the same need to recall that each kid isâ different and every kid has their perspective and handling data. Subsequently, instructors and guardians need to become familiar with their childââ¬â¢s learning style whether it is sound, visual, or sensation so as to give an evaluation a learning situation. Perusing, composing, and spelling are the standards of familiarity. On the off chance that kids are furnished with the correct devices now, they will be better prepared for what's to come. Keep in mind, the offspring of today will be the pioneers of tomorrow!
Friday, August 21, 2020
About Glenn Murcutt, an Australian Way of Architecture
About Glenn Murcutt, an Australian Way of Architecture Glenn Murcutt (brought into the world July 25, 1936) is ostensibly Australias most well known engineer, despite the fact that he was conceived in England. He has affected ages of working planners and has won each significant engineering grant of the calling, including the 2002 Pritzker. However he stays darken to a considerable lot of his Australian kinsmen, even as he is adored by draftsmen around the world. Murcutt is said to work alone, yet he opens his ranch to experts and understudies of engineering each year, giving expert classes and advancing his vision:à Architects thinking locally acting internationally. Murcutt was conceived in London, England, however experienced childhood in the Morobe region of Papua New Guinea and in Sydney, Australia, where he figured out how to esteem straightforward, crude engineering. From his dad, Murcutt took in the ways of thinking of Henry David Thoreau, who accepted that we should live just and in amicability with natures laws. Murcutts father, an independent man of numerous abilities, additionally acquainted him with the smoothed out pioneer design of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Murcutts early work firmly reflects Mies van der Rohes standards. One of Murcutts most loved citations is an expression he frequently heard his dad state. The words, he accepts, are from Thoreau: ââ¬Å"Since the greater part of us spend our lives doing customary undertakings, the most significant thing is to complete them uncommonly well.â⬠Murcutt is additionally enamored with citing the Aboriginal proverbà ââ¬Å"Touch the earth lightly.â⬠From 1956 to 1961, Murcutt examined design at the University of New South Wales. After graduation, Murcutt voyaged generally in 1962 and was intrigued by crafted by Jã ¸rn Utzon. On a later outing in 1973, he recalls the pioneer 1932 Maison de Verre in Paris, France, as being powerful. He was enlivened by the Californian design of Richard Neutra and Craig Ellwood, and the fresh, simple work of Scandinavian planner Alvar Aalto. Be that as it may, Murcutts structures immediately took on a particularly Australian flavor. The Pritzker Prize-winning engineer Glenn Murcutt isn't a developer of high rises. He doesnt plan excellent, gaudy structures or utilize showy, extravagant materials. Rather, the principled fashioner empties his inventiveness into littler undertakings that let him work alone and plan prudent structures that will ration vitality and mix with the earth. The entirety of his structures (for the most part provincial houses) are in Australia. Murcutt picks materials that can be delivered effectively and monetarily: glass, stone, block, concrete, and layered metal. He gives close consideration to the development of the sun, moon, and seasons, and plans his structures to orchestrate with the development of light and wind. Huge numbers of Murcutts structures are not cooled. Looking like open verandas, Murchutts houses recommend the effortlessness of Farnsworth House of Mies van der Rohe, yet have the practicality of a sheepherders hovel. Murcutt takes on scarcely any new ventures however is strongly given to what he does, regularly going through numerous years working with his customers. Now and again he teams up with his accomplice, planner Wendy Lewin. Glenn Murcutt is an ace teacher;à Oz.e.tecture is the offical site of the Architecture Foundation Australia and the Glenn Murcutt Master Classes. Murcutt is glad to be the dad of the Australian designer Nick Murcutt (1964ââ¬2011), whose own firm with accomplice Rachel Neeson prospers as Neeson Murcutt Architects.â Murcutts Important Buildings The Marie Short House (1975) is one of Murcutts first homes to consolidate current Miesian style with Australian fleece shed common sense. With bay windows that track the overhead sun and an aroused ridged steel rooftop, this lengthened farmhouse on braces exploits the earth without hurting it. The National Park Visitors Center at Kempsey (1982) and the Berowra Waters Inn (1983) are two of Murcutts early nonresidential undertakings, yet he took a shot at these while sharpening his private structures. The Ball-Eastaway House (1983) was worked as a retreat for the craftsmen Sydney Ball and Lynne Eastaway. Settled in a dry woodland, the fundamental structure of the structure is upheld on steel segments and steel I-beams.à By raising the house over the earth, Murcutt secured the dry soil and encompassing trees. The bended rooftop keeps dry leaves from choosing top.à An outside fire smothering framework gives crisis assurance from backwoods bursts. Modeler Murcutt insightfully put the windows and reflection decks to make a feeling of detachment while as yet giving picturesque perspectives on the Australian landscape.â The Magney House (1984) is regularly called Glenn Murcutts most renowned house as it coordinates Murcutts components of capacity and plan. Otherwise called Bingie Farm, the design artful culmination is currently part of the Airbnb program. The Marika-Alderton House (1994) was worked for the Aboriginal craftsman Marmburra Wananumba Banduk Marika and her English spouse, Mark Alderton. The house was pre-assembled close to Sydney and transported to its area in the unforgiving Northern Territory of Australia. While being manufactured, Murcutt was additionally taking a shot at the Bowali Visitors Center at Kakadu National Park (1994), likewise in the Northern Territory, and the Simpson-Lee House (1994) situated close to Sydney. Glenn Murcutts later homes from the 21st century are frequently purchased and sold, to some degree like speculations or authorities things. The Walsh House (2005) and the Donaldson House (2016) fall into this classification, not that Murcutts care in configuration is ever reduced. The Australian Islamic Center (2016) close to Melbourne might be the last common articulation of a 80-year-old engineer. Thinking minimal about mosque engineering, Murcutt examined, portrayed, and anticipated a very long time before the cutting edge configuration was endorsed and fabricated. The customary minaret is gone, yet the direction toward Mecca remains. Bright housetop lights wash insides with hued daylight, yet people have distinctive access to those insides. Like all of Glenn Murcutts work, this Australian mosque isn't the first, yet it is engineering that-through a mindful, iterative procedure of configuration might be the best. I have consistently had faith in the demonstration of disclosure instead of imagination, Murcutt said in his 2002 Pritzker acknowledgment discourse. Any work that exists, or which can possibly exist, is identified with revelation. We don't make the work. I accept we, actually, are pioneers. Murcutts Pritzker Architecture Prize After learning of his Pritzker grant, Murcutt delineated for journalists, Life isn't tied in with expanding everything, its about giving something back-like light, space, structure, quietness, satisfaction. You need to give something back. For what reason did he become a Pritzker Laureate in 2002? In the expressions of the Pritzker jury: During a time fixated on VIP, the glamour of our starchitects, upheld by enormous staffs and bounteous advertising support, overwhelms the features. As an all out contrast,â our laureate works in a one-individual office on the opposite side of the world...yet has a holding up rundown of customers, so expectation is he to give each extend his own best. He is a creative design expert who is equipped for turning his affectability to nature and to territory into frank, absolutely legitimate, non-flashy show-stoppers. Bravo! - J. Carter Brown, Pritzker Prize jury director Quick Facts: The Glenn Murcutt Library Contact This Earth Lightly: Glenn Murcutt in His Own Words.à In a meeting with Philp Drew, Glenn Murcutt discusses his life and portrays how he built up the methods of reasoning that shape his engineering. This dainty soft cover is certifiably not a sumptuous foot stool book, however gives incredible knowledge into the deduction behind the plans. Glenn Murcutt: A Singular Architectural Practice.à Murcutts structure theory introduced in his own words is joined with analysis from design editors Haig Beck and Jackie Cooper. Through idea outlines, working drawings, photos, and completed drawings, Murcutts thoughts are investigated top to bottom. Glenn Murcutt: Thinking Drawing/Working Drawing by Glenn Murcutt.à The modelers single procedure is portrayed by the singular engineer himself. Glenn Murcutt: University of Washington Master Studios and Lectures.à Murcutt has reliably directed ace classes at his ranch in Australia, yet hes likewise been manufacturing a relationship with Seattle. This thin book by the University of Washington Press gave altered transcripts of discussions, talks, and studios. The Architecture of Glenn Murcutt.à In a configuration sufficiently enormous to show 13 of Murcutts best ventures, this is the go-to book of photographs, portrayals, and depictions that will acquaint any amateur with what the enduring Glenn Murcutt is about. Sources Glenn Murcutt 2002 Pritzker Laureate Acceptance Speech, The Hyatt Foundation, PDF at Architect Becomes the 2002 Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, The Hyatt Foundation,
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Financial Management Of Small Businesses Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
This course is part of the Entrepreneurship specialization that includes Opportunity Identification, Gathering Resources Launch, Entrepreneurial Growth, Entrepreneurial Finance, Harvest, Negotiations (Financial Management of the Small Firm) and the capstone course, Entrepreneurial Management. This class is quite quantitative and a solid finance/accounting background is helpful. If you do not have a strong finance/accounting background, make sure you get in a study group with someone who does have this strong financial background. This course is very demanding from both the amount of reading required and the number of cases discussed during the semester. THE CASE METHOD In a case course, much of the learning occurs in preparing for the case, which often requires three to six hours of readings and preparation, including discussions within your study group. The case method is student-centered rather than instructor-centered. In the classroom, the students will drive a rigorous discussion of each case by identifying the problems and issues faced by the managers and formulating alternatives for solution backed by case facts and assumptions. In addition to preparing for cases, there are substantial reading assignments, especially in the early part of the course. Two notes on the case method are provided in your readings: Note to the Student: How to Study and Discuss Cases from UVAs Professor Robert Bruner and The Case Method by Jeff Sandefer. GRADING The class will set its own standards through friendly competition. The student with the highest weighted average ranking will receive the highest grade and then the remaining students are ranked from this top position. A forced curve is used in this class with approximately: % of Class 30-35% A or A- if performance is substantially higher than the mean (top third of the class) 55-60% B+, B or B- if performance is around the mean of the class (middle third) 5-10% C+, C if substantially underperforming other members of the class (bottom 10%) Ds and Fs will be awarded where deserved. Natural breaks in the distribution will be used to determine the final grade distribution. No student is allowed to take the course on a pass/fail basis. 1. CLASS DISCUSSION (30%) Your T.A. will record the class discussion and you will be graded on the quantity and, more importantly, the quality of your discussion of each case. Cold calls will be used for openings, summaries (closings) and during the class discussion. Openings and summaries will have a disproportionate weight on your class participation grade. Since there are more students in the class than cases, not everyone will be able to open or close a case and therefore, it is incumbent on you to raise your hand and participate fully in each case. Study group members will be expected to be active in the discussion when a group member opens a case. Student comments which move the class forward and build on other comments will be rewarded while just citing case facts or being unprepared for the discussion will adversely affect your grade. A survey at the end of the semester will allow you to rank your classmates discussion and study group participation. Rarely is there a significant difference in how I ra nk your participation and how your classmates rank you. Classroom discussion counts toward 30% of your final grade. Preparation and Missed Class If you are not prepared to open a case and tell me before the class begins, I will give you a minus one (-1) for that class discussion. However, If you do not tell me before class, I will award you a minus three (-3) for that class discussion. If you miss class due to an excused absence, then you must turn in a written analysis of the missed case to your T.A. (or me) within one week of the missed class. Failure to turn in a written analysis will result in up to a letter grade deduction. Unexcused absences and excessive excused absences may result in your being dropped from the class, having your grade reduced or be given a failing grade in the course. Cheating Obtaining help on a case, either written or oral, from students who have discussed the case in this or other classes is considered cheating and you will receive an F for the course. Students should also not surf the web searching for the outcome or the right answer. Cases force you to put yourself in a managers/owners role, frame the problem, identify strategic alternatives and make a recommendations based on logic and fact-based analysis. Most cases are self contained and research on the web will not be required. Tardiness Being late to class is disruptive to the class discussion. If you are late to class, we will stop and find out why and you may get the pleasure of opening the case or being cold called multiple times. 2. Mid-term and Final Exam Cases (50%) Midterm All students will perform an individual analysis of a take-home mid-term exam case (individual, no team analysis). The case will be handed out during the previous weeks class. Limit your analysis and spreadsheets to 10 pages total and put your name on the back of the last page of your analysis, as I grade the exams blindly. Please use double spacing on your word-processed analysis and use 12-point font size on your text and spreadsheets. The mid-term represents 25% of your total grade. Final You will be given an option for your final case. Option A A written analysis of a comprehensive case similar to the mid-term. This take-home final exam case will be distributed to you on the final day of class and you will return the case, your written analysis and spreadsheet work at the scheduled time on the syllabus. The final represents 25% of your total grade. Option B You may elect, during the first month of class, to form a team of 4 students in your section that will find a privately held company which will allow you to perform a financial analysis and valuation of their firm. In lieu of a written individual case final, the team members will work throughout the semester with their client company and will turn in their written analysis at the same time the Option A case finals are due. Your team will act as a financial consultant and generate a report targeted to the Board of Directors of the company that addresses, at a minimum: a SWOT analysis; an Industry/Competitor analysis; a financial analysis; and a valuation of the equity of the firm. This project will require you to find and meet with the business owner/manager and do original research including searching for comparable companies and industry benchmarking. I will give you access to databases such as BizComps and PrattStats, RMA Annual Financial Statement Surveys and Capital IQ. Your final written report will substitute for the same 25% of your final grade as the case final in Option A. All team members will receive the same starting grade based on the accuracy, quality and completeness of your teams project and ranked relative to the other teams projects. Adjustments to individual members project grade will be based on their team members evaluation of their contributions to the project. Samples of previous semester projects are posted on BlackBoard. 3. Written Assignments and Take-home Quizzes (20%) The remaining 20% of your grade is based on written exercises, turned-in case analyses, and two, take-home quizzes. For each case, your study team should print out a copy of your analysis and spreadsheet just in case I ask that you turn them in for grading. You may e-mail the files within 30 minutes of class if the files are on your notebook computer. Someone in your study group should have your spreadsheet work on their laptop or on an overhead slide in case I ask you to show your model to the class. Rules of Engagement for Class Discussion: Come prepared to participate and come on time. Take a stand and defend it. State your assumptions. Give evidence to support your claims but do not just repeat case facts. Speak concisely. Airtime is a scarce resource, do not ramble. LISTEN and build on previous student comments. Direct your comments to your classmates, not the professor. Respectfully challenge or support the arguments being made. OPENINGS While this course is about harvesting, exit strategies and valuation, do not overlook your traditional SWOT, FIT (PODC) and Industry/Competitor analysis frameworks in preparing your case. For your openings, take a stand and then defend it. Decide what the central issue of the case is and put yourself in the decision-makers shoes. Outline your alternative solutions and the pros and cons of each option. Never just give the answer. List any assumptions such as: normalization of the cash flows, the discount rate used and why, the terminal value assumptions, which comparable company that was used and why, any unique risk of the company and any discounts for marketability, minority interest or other adjustments. Only after you have cited your assumptions should you give your conclusion of value. Some of the points that I will use to grade your opening and class discussion are: Was the problem or issue clearly defined? Did you take a firm stand and back it with evidence? Did you outline your assumptions? Did you use the frameworks, valuation models and notes discussed in class? Did you explore the pros and cons of the strategic alternatives? Did you perform both qualitative and quantitative analysis? Was a plan of action presented along with implementation steps, timing and costs? How did you respond to your peers questions about your solution? A good question can be worth as much as a good answer. Feel free to experiment with unorthodox solutions, which will be rewarded if you can defend them with logic and evidence. REVIEW OF READINGS and CLOSINGS At the beginning of the class I may ask someone (cold call) to summarize one of the notes assigned for that class. At the end of most cases I will ask someone (cold call) for the lessons learned in the case. You should be able to concisely summarize the key learning objectives derived from the readings, the case and/or the class discussion. USE OF EXCEL TEMPLATES Try to develop a valuation excel template that allows you to enter data regarding an asset/cost approach, comparable market value approach, and discounted cash flow approaches. I have posted a few examples on Blackboard under Resources. You can use this template for the mid-term and the final to assist you with your analysis of the case. VALUATION Finally, valuation is both art and science. If you are looking for the number you will get frustrated. We are trying to narrow the range of darkness by using different valuation models and hope to get some convergent validity and triangulation from these models to give a valuation range. Ultimately, fair market value will be what a willing buyer and seller agree upon. Tues., 1/15 A. Class 1 INTRODUCTION GOALS FOR THE SEMESTER Review of Topics, Assignment Sheets, and Course Outline Rules for Classroom Discussion Instruction for the Formation of Study Groups The Case Method B. Professor/Student Introductions C. ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Readings from Course Packet: Course Summary and Grading Policy Course Introduction Note to the Student: How to Study and Discuss Cases The Case Method Jeff Sandefer Classroom Discussion Jeff Sandefer Note on Study Groups Jeff Sandefer How to Avoid Getting Lost in the Numbers 2. Browse this courses material on Black Board for valuation spreadsheets and case electronic files under the course documents button and helpful websites on valuation under the external links button. 3. Bring a copy of your resume to the next class Thurs., 1/17 B. Class 2 LEGAL FORMS OF ORGANIZATION Tax Issues, Capital Sources and Legal Issues What form of organization do you want when you are starting, growing, a mature cash cow or selling the business. Sole Proprietorship General and Limited Partnerships Limited Liability Companies C and S Corporations Issuing Section 1244 and 1202 Stock Assignment Turn in Resume Form study groups (self-select 4-5 people with different education, concentration, work experience and cultural background). Your project team (four member teams max) for the final project can be different than your case study team. READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: The Questions Every Entrepreneur Must Answer Small Company Finance: What the Books Dont Say A Small Business is Not Just a Little Big Business The Five Stages of Small Business Growth Blackboard: Legal Forms.ppt Tues., 1/22 C. Class 3 LEGAL FORMS (CONTINUED) Buy Sell Agreements Asset vs. Stock Sale Financial Structure ASSIGNMENT: Due Next Class Individual Effort. Go on-line and find a public company that interests you and get their year-end historical financial statements for the past three years. There are no constraints on industry, size, etc. You can access the financial data from any source you want to use. Use a spreadsheet to prepare a three-factor DuPont Decomposition of ROE for the past three years. In a one-page summary, explain the trends in the companys financial performance profitability, asset utilization, leverage and return. What correlation is their to their stock price performance? What other factors might influence the stock performance? READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: Organizing the Enterprise: Which Form is Best for You? Countering the Biggest Risk of All Why Entrepreneurs Dont Scale Bootstap Finance: The Art of Start-ups Thurs., 1/24 D. Class 4 MEASURING BUSINESS PERFORMANCE Turn in Company DuPont Analysis assignment CLASS LECTURE: Business Performance Measurement Financial Statement Analysis DuPont Analysis/ROE drivers Financial Strategies ASSIGNMENT TO BE TURNED IN NEXT CLASS: 1. Individual Effort Prepare for your first case discussion Drivers of Industry Financial Structure and turn in next class. Match the industry with the financial statements and tell what factors led you to match the industry with the financial statement. READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: Note on the Financial Perspective: What Every Entrepreneur Should Know Introduction to Financial Ratios and Financial Statement Analysis 3. Assessing the Firms Future Health Work the problems at the end of the article for practice (NOT REQUIRED TO BE TURNED IN). BlackBoard: Financial Statement Analysis.ppt Tues., 1/29 E. Class 5 MEASURING BUSINESS PERFORMANCE (CONTINUED) CLASS LECTURE: Financial Strategies Value Drivers Levers Scaling CASE: Drivers of Industry Financial Structure Turn in your analysis. READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: 1. Measuring Business Performance 2. Note on Unit Economics BlackBoard: Financial Statement Analysis.ppt Thurs., 1/31 F. CLASS 6 BREAKEVEN ANALYSIS CLASS LECTURE: Breakeven Analysis Operating, Financial and Combined Leverage (Scaling) Cost, Volume, Profit analysis Cost (ABC) Accounting CASE: Hallstead Jewelers HBS 5-107-069 (Study Team analysis Nothing required to be turned in.) READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: Breakeven Analysis (abridged) BlackBoard: Breakeven Analysis.ppt Tues., 2/5 G. CLASS 7 WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT CLASS LECTURE: CASH CONVERSION CYCLE ASSET FORECASTING Receivable, Inventory and Payable Turnover Cash Conversion Cycle Percent of Sales Method of Asset Forecasting Proforma Statements and Cash Budgeting CASE: None READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: 1. Cash Management Practices in Small Companies BlackBoard: Working Capital Management.ppt Cash Budgeting Problem and Spreadsheet Thurs., 2/7 H. Class 8 WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT (CONTINUED) CLASS LECTURE: EXTERNAL FUNDS REQUIRED CASE: Butler Lumber Company READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: Note on Managing the Growing Venture BlackBoard: Asset Forecasting.ppt Tues., 2/12 I. Class 9 SOURCES OF CAPITAL CLASS LECTURE: Sources of Capital/Private Equity Debt Sources Equity Sources Government Backed Programs Take-home Quiz Handout: Individual Assignment. Take home quiz on previous lecture topics. Open Book, but no help from classmates or others. Due next class. CASE: None, but lots of readings and you need to complete the take-home quiz. READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: Note on Private Equity Securities Note on Angel Investing Note on Private Equity Deal Structures Note on Valuation of Venture Capital Deals Private Equity Glossary BlackBoard: Sources of Capital Terms Sheets History of Private Equity Thurs., 2/14 J. Class 10 Capital Structure Turn in Take Home Quiz CLASS LECTURE: Risk, Return and Cost of Capital MM Propositions WACC Behavioral/Signaling Cap Rate Build-up Stage and Round of Financing CASE: None, but take-home quiz is due READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: Note on the Theory of Optimal Capital Structure Capital Structure Theory: A Current Perspective Indifference Point Analysis Debt Financing, Firm Value and Cost of Capital The Effects of Debt-Equity Policy on Shareholder Returns Beta BlackBoard: 1. Capital Structure.ppt Tues., 2/19 K. Class 11 BUSINESS Valuation CLASS LECTURE: Cost, Market and Income Approaches Value of the Assets in Trade Value of the Assets in Use Transaction Comps Public Guideline Comps Venture Capital Method Intrinsic Value Firm Free Cash Flow Equity Cash Flow Adjusted Present Value Capital Cash Flow CASE: Encana Corp.: The Cost of Capital (Ivey 9B07N002) ASSIGNMENT: REVIEW SOME OF THESE WEBSITES: READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: Note on Business Valuation Note on Valuing Private Businesses A Note on Pre-Money and Post Money Valuation BlackBoard: 1. Business Valuation.ppt Thurs., 2/21 L. Class 12 WHATS IT WORTH? CLASS LECTURE: Discounts rates, Terminal value, DLOM, DLOC CAPM Build-up Rate Terminal Value Discounts for Marketability, Control Unique Risk Factors Size, Key Man, Concentrations CASE: Frank Spence UVA-F-1206 READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: An Introduction to Cash Flow Valuation Methods A Note on Free Cash Flow Valuation Models BlackBoard: 1. Business Valuation.ppt Tues., 2/26 M. Class 13 DIVERGENCE OF GOALS CLASS LECTURE: Negotiating Financing the Sale Senior Debt Subordinated Debt Seller Note/Employment Agreement Earnout Non-Compete CASE: Eller Media S-SB-191 READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: The Company Sale Process Note on Adjusted Present Value Note on Capital Cash Flow Articles on Current MA Market and Valuation Issues A Note on the Initial Public Offering Process 9-200-016 BlackBoard: Business Valuation.ppt Thurs., 2/28 N. Class 14 Guest Speaker CASE: To Be Announced READING ASSIGNMENT: None Tues., 3/4- Thurs., 3/13 No Classes will be held during Global Plus or Spring Break (3/1-3/16) Work on your consulting project. Tues., 3/18 O. CLASS 15 D-I-V-O-R-C-E WHATS YOUR BID? CASE: The Carlton Polish Company HBS 9-283-008 ReadingS from the Course Packet: End Game Strategies for Declining Industries 83409 Note on Valuing Equity Cash Flows Thurs., 3/20 P. Class 16 What Size Slice of the Pie? CASE: Clarion Optical Co. HBS 9-393-116 READINGS: NONE ASSIGNMENT: Your take-home midterm case will be handed out this class. You are to return the case with your written case analysis (individual effort) on Tuesday. Your analysis is limited to 10 pages (including spreadsheet exhibits) with double line spacing. Electronic case exhibits are posted on BlackBoard. Each student should submit a written analysis at the beginning of class. You may use spreadsheet templates developed in your study groups but your work on the midterm case should be an individual effort. Your analysis should be word processed and double spaced with at least 12-point font. Your analysis and spreadsheet work should not exceed 10 pages. Do not put your name on the front of your analysis as I grade it blindly. Put your name on the back of the last page and staple. Discussing the case with other students in this or other classes is a violation of the honor code. Going out on the web to find out what happened to the company is also a violation of the honor code. You should stay within the case facts and just list your assumptions. It will take me several weeks to grade and give feedback on your midterm. You will also receive feedback on your class discussion and where you rank in the class. Tues., 3/25 Q. CLASS 17 MID TERM CASE DISCUSSION CASE: Written Mid-term Case due. You should turn in your written case analysis at the beginning of class. Bring the mid-term case with you to class and return the case at the end of this class after our case discussion. Thurs., 3/27 R. Class 18- ALL IN THE FAMILY CASE: COLETEK, INC. SB-144 READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: 1. Transferring Power in the Family Business HBR 79401 2. Definitions and Typologies of the Family Business Tues., 4/1 S. Class 19 ROLLING, ROLLING, ROLLINGÃÆ'à ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ãâà ¦ROLL-UP CASE: Project Dial-Tone HBS 9-897-003 Reading in the Course Packet: 1. The Consolidation of Highly Fragmented Service Industries: Rollups 9-800-142 Thurs., 4/3 T. Class 20 IS THIS A BUBBLE? CASE: Mandic BBS An Entrepreneurial Harvesting Decision HBS 9-899-082 Reading from the Course Packet: Valuing Cash Flows in an International Context Tues., 4/8 U. Class 21 JUST A MATTER OF TAXES CASE: Brazos Partners: the CoMark LBO 9-202-090 Readings in the Course Packet: Note on Leveraged Buyouts Technical Note on LBO Valuation (A)9-902-004 Technical Note on LBO Valuation (B) 9-902-005 ASSIGNMENT: Try doing a reverse induction method as per the readings Thurs., 4/10 V. CLASS 22 USING YOUR STOCK AS CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES CASE: Automated Intelligence Corp Take-home Quiz Handout: Second take-home quiz dealing with material after the first take-home quiz. Individual Assignment. Open Book, but no help from classmates or others. Due next class. READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: Technical Note on Equity-Linked Consideration Part 1: All stock deals 9-903-027 A Note on Mergers and Acquisitions and Valuation Tues., 4/15 W. CLASS 23- IS THE WHOLE EQUAL TO THE SUM OF ITS PARTS? Take-Home Quiz Due. CASE: Interco HBS 9-291-033 Reading from the Course Packet: 1. Valuing Companies in Corporate Restructurings HBS 9-201-073 Thurs., 4/17 X. CLASS 24 PLAYING HARDBALL CASE: Devon Industries, Inc. (A) (B) 9-175-247 This case is about ethics and negotiations and should provoke a lot of class discussion. There are not any numbers to analyze. ASSIGNMENT: Fill out your answers to the B case. READINGS FROM THE COURSE PACKET: Brinkmanship in Business HBR 67206 Bankruptcy A Debtors Perspective Tues., 4/22 Y. Class 25 CHANGING OF THE GUARD (MBO) CASE: John M. Case Company HBS 9-291-009 Readings from the Course Packet: LBOs for Smaller Companies 88113 Thurs., 4/24 Z. Class 26 -RIDING THE WAVE CASES: 1. Star Cablevision (A) HBS N9-293-036 Star Cablevision (B) HBS N9-293-037 (Bring the B case with you to class but do not read it before class. We will discuss the A case and you will read the B case in class). READING FROM THE COURSE PACKET: 1. Capital Market Myopia HBS 9-288-005 Tues., 4/29 AA. Class 27 THE PERFECT STORM CASES: Star Cablevision (C) N9-293-038 Bring the Star Cablevision (D) case with you to class and we will read in class. Do not read the (D) case before we discuss the (C) case. Star Cablevision (D) N9-293-039 Do not read the D, E F cases before we discuss the (C) case. Thurs., 5/1 BB. Class 28- LESSONS LEARNED/COURSE SURVEY CASES: 1. Star Cablevision (E F) N9-293-040 N9-293-041 ASSIGNMENT: Bring Your Completed Final Course Survey. Your study team and project team peer evaluation forms will be handed out for you to complete and return. McCombs Teacher Evaluations Course Review Review for Final Exam Hand out Final Exam Case for take-home final (DUE NEXT THURSDAY AT NOON) Each student (except those who elected at the beginning of the semester to do the consulting project) should submit a written analysis of the final exam case. You may use spreadsheet templates developed in your study groups but your work on the midterm case should be an individual effort. Your analysis should be word processed and double spaced with at least a 12 point font. Your analysis and spreadsheet work should not exceed 10 pages. Do not put your name on the front of your analysis as I grade it blindly. Put your NAME on the back of the last page and staple. You are to return the case with your typed case analysis to the Finance Department before NOON on THURSDAY, MAY 8TH (THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT CLOSES FOR LUNCH AT NOON). Discussing the case with other students in this or other classes is a violation of the honor code. Looking up what happened to the company on the web is also a violation of the honor code. Study Questions will be attached to the final exam case to be handed out at the end of this class. You can e-mail me with any questions you have on the final case. FOR TEAMS DOING THE CASE CONSULTING PROJECT: YOU ELECTED TO DO THE PROJECT IN LIEU OF THE FINAL EXAM. YOUR TEAMS FINAL WRITTEN ANALYSIS OF YOUR CASE IS DUE ON THURSDAY, MAY 8TH AT 12:00 IN THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT OFFICE (CBA 6.222). Due Thurs. 5/8 A. Turn in Final Exam by 12:00 (Noon). Take Home Final Case Analysis is due in the Finance Office (CBA 6.222) by no later than 12:00 (NOON). Return the case and put your name on the back of the last page of your analysis. Maximum of 10 pages, including spreadsheet exhibits. B. Turn in Team Consulting Project by 12:00 (Noon) Team Case Project is due in the Finance Office (CBA 6.222) by no later than 12:00 (NOON).
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Difference between Performance Management and...
8 Performance Management and Appraisal Learning Outcomes After studying this chapter you should be able to: 8.1 Discuss the difference between performance management and performance appraisal 8.2 Identify the necessary characteristics of accurate performance management tools 8.3 List and briefly discuss the purposes for performance appraisals 8.4 Identify and briefly discuss the options for ââ¬Å"whatâ⬠is evaluated in a performance appraisal 8.5 Briefly discuss the commonly used performance measurement methods and forms 8.6 Identify and briefly discuss available options for the rater/evaluator 8.7 Briefly discuss the value and the drawbacks of a 360à ° evaluation 8.8 Identify some of theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦I quickly suggested a small interruption to the meeting, and asked Heather to step out of the room. It soon became clear that the overall problem was Heatherââ¬â¢s failure to report to work on time. When Heather was late, it impacted her entire work group as the other employees then had to answer Heatherââ¬â¢s phone calls. Whatââ¬â¢s going on here? Why donââ¬â¢t Heather and Christine agree on Heatherââ¬â¢s performance? Where did Christine go wrong? How can Christine get Heather to agree with her performance review now? How can this problem be avoided during the next formal performance appraisal session? The answers to these questions are based on having a good performance management system. By reading this chapter, you will learn how you can avoid these problems. The Practitionerââ¬â¢s Model for HRM ïÆ'â¡ Productivity ïÆ'â¡ Satisfaction ïÆ'Ë Absenteeism ïÆ'Ë Turnover Section IV: Compensating and Protecting How do you REWARD and MAINTAIN your Human Resources? Section III: Developing and Managing How do you MANAGE your Human Resources? Section II: Attracting and Staffing What HRM Functions do you NEED for sustainability? Section I: 21st-Century HRM Strategic Planning and Legal Issues What HRM issues are CRITICAL to your organizationââ¬â¢s long-term sustainability? Chapter 8: Performance Management and Appraisal 285 Performance Management Systems At this stage of human resource management (HRM), we now have employees inShow MoreRelatedThe Origins of Performance Appraisal and Performance Management and the Differences Between Them.3838 Words à |à 16 PagesPERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT What are the origins of performance appraisal and performance management and what are the differences between them. MSc Human Resource Management Glamorgan Business School University of Glamorgan 2012 What are the origins of performance appraisal and performance management and what are the differences between them. Performance management and performance appraisal are symbiotic strategies that yield great results in the human resource and business worldRead MorePerformance Appraisal1499 Words à |à 6 PagesPerformance Appraisal Systems and Succession Planning Dale Feekes Western Governorââ¬â¢s University Slide 1 Benefits of Performance Appraisal Systems Performance appraisal is considered to be an essential element of human resource management (HRM). Benefits of performance appraisal comprise improvement of communication amid the employees along with the management, encouragement of team work and greater ability of decision-making (Bigelow, 2013). Optimal Results of a Well-Prepared and Well-DeliveredRead MorePerformance Appraisals and Employee Performance1035 Words à |à 4 Pagesï » ¿Performance Appraisals and Employee Performance: Performance appraisals are constantly viewed as burdensome tasks that employers would like to avoid despite understanding the significance of evaluating the performance of employees. This consideration is further fueled in organizations and companies with minimal pay raises and bonuses as well as those with downsized compensations. Organizations that take similar initiatives to deal with current economic challenges also experience difficultiesRead MoreSupervisors: Human Resource Management and Performance Appraisals900 Words à |à 4 PagesIntroduction Performance appraisals benefit the company in a variety of ways. On the flip side, they can also create difficulties if they arenââ¬â¢t completed correctly. Many problems within the company can arise when supervisors havenââ¬â¢t been properly trained on appraisals. On a bigger note, companies can also be placed in legal trouble if appraisals are done incorrectly. To avoid these issues, the Human Resource Department needs implement training to the supervisors who conduct performance appraisals. Problems Read MoreEmployment and Performance Essay775 Words à |à 4 Pagesthem to a particular role to ensure the best outcomes. 2. Why are performance management systems necessary and how do you think performance appraisals contribute to performance and productivity in an organisation? Performance management systems help direct employees toward organisational goals by letting employees know what is expected of them and how it will be achieved. When an employee has been given the performance management system, they should know clearly what is expected of them and knowRead MoreTraditional Methods of Performance Appraisal1717 Words à |à 7 PagesForm Top of Form Performance appraisal is a method of evaluating the behaviour of employees in the work spot, normally both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of job performance. Performance here refers to the degree of accomplishment of the tasks that make up an individualââ¬â¢s job. It indicates how well an individual is fulfilling the job demands. The purpose of performance appraisal is to update the worker on his progress, gauge his behavior and performance, praise good work, and noteRead MorePerformance Appraisal Performance Of Individual, Groups And Organizations Essay1139 Words à |à 5 PagesIntroduction: Appraisal performance of individual, groups and organizations is something important for all organizations to succeed and achieve its objectives. Also it is used to evaluate the performance of the employees and monitor them to achieve the desired goal. Organizations usually apply performance appraisal to achieve certain objectives, and these objectives may be different from one organization to another also within the same organization from time to time. Performance appraisal being measuredRead MoreBenefits Of Implementing A Performance Management System944 Words à |à 4 Pages(2013), performance management is defined as a method of continuously identifying, evaluating, and guiding individual and team performance and ensuring that employee performance is in line with the firmââ¬â¢s goals (p. 2). The four general strategies that would be used to convince the client firm that the benefits of implementing a performance management system will far outweigh the costs and difficulties associated with the transition from a performance appraisal to a performance management system areRead MorePerformance Appraisal Performance Of Individual, Groups And Organizations1138 Words à |à 5 PagesAppraisal performance of individual, groups an d organizations is something important for all organizations to succeed and achieve its objectives. Also it is used to evaluate the performance of the employees and monitor them to achieve the desired goal. Organizations usually apply performance appraisal to achieve certain objectives, and these objectives may be different from one organization to another also within the same organization from time to time. Performance appraisal being measured againstRead MoreEssay about Performance Appraisal1191 Words à |à 5 Pages Performance Appraisal Appropriate Approach for Performance Appraisal Kudler Foods deals with the supply of both domestic and imported foods. The food store comprise of five departments with specialized classification of skills and competencies. In order to develop and meet the major requirements of an organisation, managers should design an assessment form designed to evaluate employeeââ¬â¢s performance regarding their level of understanding and the quality of their work. According to Cromwell
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Role Of State Standards On The Classroom - 1734 Words
The role of state standards is to guides all teachers, all schools, and all publishers to the right content material for each core subject that state deems important. The purpose of standards tells educators what a student should know and what students should be able to do. 2. Discuss the statement at the beginning of the chapter about Sheltered Instruction strategies ââ¬Å"â⬠¦these strategies are not ââ¬Ëremedialââ¬â¢ in nature and do not diluteââ¬â¢ or ââ¬Ëwater downââ¬â¢ instruction. What is the importance of this statement for all teachers? What is the importance of this statement for English Language Learners? The statement at the beginning of the chapter about Sheltered Instruction strategies implies the importance that teacher teach ELL learners the same grade level academic content of their peers. The modifications a teacher may use to ensure ELL students understanding does not take away from the value of the standards being met by using academic content. Beyond the teacherââ¬â¢s instruction, the ELL studentââ¬â¢s benefits from instruction that is not remedial, diluted, or watered down in any way. Research has proven that ELL students learn more vocabulary and become proficient in English faster when exposed to grade level academic content. 3. What is meant by the term ââ¬Å"contextualize,â⬠and what is the significance of this for English Language Learners? The term contextualizes in chapter seven refers to other forms of communication beside oral, such as a group of words or a video. ContextualizeShow MoreRelatedTeaching Education And Effective Practices799 Words à |à 4 PagesThe world of education today is ever changing. As teachers get into a routine of implementation of standards and programs, there becomes a major shift and many schools struggle to make that transition. However, throughout all of the mandates and political arguments over education, teachers are still expected to be effective. Teachers must shape the lives of each of their students and are increasingly held accountable for their efforts. With heavier mandates for teachers, their abilities may seemRead MoreAfter Reading The Arkansas Code Of Ethics, I Will Now Have1077 Words à |à 5 Pagesto set high standards of morals for myself. Wanting to be a teacher is just one way that I can become a better person; I want to help raise the next generation of people to be good, productive members of society. Being entrusted with the welfare of children is a great responsibility, which should not be taken for granted. The Standards from the Arkansas Code of Ethics which I chose to write about are Standards One, Two, Four, and Eight. Arkansas Code of Ethics, Standard One, states, ââ¬Å"An educatorRead MoreLanguage Is The Prime Means Of Communication Essay1716 Words à |à 7 PagesLanguage can be seen, through modes such as body language, hand signals, photographs and pictures. Language can be heard, through conversations, storytelling and music. Language can be standard and diverse, each dialect has a ââ¬Å"standardâ⬠form, which other, diverse, dialects branch off. The word language may mean different things to different people. There is no incorrect interpretation of the word language. Many people will have different interpretations of the word language based on their personalRead MoreLeadership, Organization And Administration1529 Words à |à 7 Pageslifts allâ⬠, therefore improving the instructional policies and practices in the special education classroom ensures the benefit of all students. Today, schools must provide students with disabilities appropriate access to the general curriculum and effective instructional support. Student progress must be monitored closely and demonstrated through participation in assessment efforts. The school leaderââ¬â¢s role is pivotal in this process. EADM 611: LEADERSHIP, ORGANIZATION ADMINISTRATION ASSIGNMENT 8 ResearchRead MoreThe Importance Of Teacher Leadership And Empowerment983 Words à |à 4 Pagesstretch beyond their classrooms to engage in leadership roles that take many shapes and forms, both ââ¬Å"informal and formalâ⬠. (ECS, 2010). The teacher leadership role is also described as ââ¬Å"the process by which teachers, individually and collectively, influence their colleagues, principals, and other members of the school community to improve learning practices with the aim of increased student learning and achievement.â⬠(ECS, 2010). In years past, a majority of teacher leadership roles took the form ofRead MoreCode Of Ethics Is Absolutely Essential For Every Education Major1297 Words à |à 6 Pagesand actions possible, inside and outside of the classroom. It is a clear guide of unethical activities that teachers may never indulge in without risking suspension, revocation, denial, or reprimand of any teaching certificate. The code is broken down into eleven differe nt standards which are easy for educators to understand and abide by. The first code is labeled Standard 1: Legal Compliance. This code states that an educator must abide by state, federal, and local laws and includes but is notRead MoreThe Components Of Critical Thinking1330 Words à |à 6 PagesThe components of critical thinking are: the application of logic and accepted intellectual standards to reasoning; the ability to access and evaluate evidence; the application of knowledge in clinical reasoning; and a disposition for inquiry that includes openness, self-assessment, curiosity, skepticism, and dialogue. High School students are not being adequately educated about these skills in classrooms. Be as it may, many students do not engage in enough higher thinking. Notwithstanding the importanceRead MoreThe Importance Of Common Core Standards746 Words à |à 3 PagesCommon Core Standards is a topic that everyone in school, and everyone that has been in school, has heard about. The state of Alabama adopted these standards in the early 2000ââ¬â¢s and they have been the core curriculum guide in classrooms since. Recently, the standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts have been renamed and are now known as the Alabama College and Career Readiness Standards. Of course, like any new idea, there has been some controversy about the topic. Educators, students,Read MoreIeee Code Of Ethics And Standards Of Conduct880 Words à |à 4 PagesEthics and Standards of conduct process for inexperienced teachers and to update career teachers, Ms Harrison stated that the MS Code of Ethics and S tandards are covered in new teacher orientation before the commencement of the school term. Once school is in session, building level administrators are to review standards with new hires and career teachers. This review also provides updated information to career teachers if any changes occurred. Listed below is a brief summary of the ten standards foundRead MoreIeee Code Of Ethics And Standards Of Conduct Essay883 Words à |à 4 PagesCode of Ethics and Standards of conduct process for new teachers and to update career teachers, Ms Harrison stated that the MS Code of Ethics and Standards are covered in new teacher orientation before the beginning of the school term. Once school is in session, building level administrators are to review standards with new and career teachers. This review also provides update information to career teachers if any changes occurred. Listed below is a brief summary of the ten standards found in the MS
Sexual dimorphism Essay Example For Students
Sexual dimorphism Essay One of the most obvious clues is youth, a correlate of physical attractiveness, which has also been shown to be a desirable trait by older men in lonely-hearts advertisements. This could be because the older a woman gets, the less fertile she becomes. According to evolutionary psychologists, a man sees fertility as an important attribute because it assures him that his bloodline will continue. In many cultures, men prefer wives who are younger, although the age difference varies across societies. In the United States, college students surveyed between 1939-1988 indicated the preferred age difference is approximately 2. 5 years. Men who were 21 years old preferred, on average, women who were 18. 5 years (Buss, 1994). As men get older, they tend to be attracted to women who are increasingly younger than they are. Men in their thirties prefer women 5 years younger, while men in their 70s prefer women who are 10 to 20 years younger. In evolutionary terms, the older male is strategically balancing his aging, and thus poorer quality genes with the younger females youth, and thus good genetic potential in order to reproduce healthy offspring. Aside from the widely accepted facial features which have been recognised as being attractive to both males and females (prominent cheek bones, large eyes and wide smile), facial features have also been shown to be attractive to males if they look youthful, smaller and neotenous, representing a baby face. For example a smaller chin is more attractive in females than males and this has come about due to lower levels of testosterone (Cunningham et al 1990). Jones (1995) highlighted this in a cross-cultural study using a youth indicator scale of women. He found that that female attractiveness involves a substantial neotenous component as women whose predicted age was less than their actual age, were considered more attractive. However this bias towards youthful features is problematic from an evolutionary standpoint as those with the most child-like faces are children and next inline are old women whose facial features have shrunk with age, and these groups of people are infertile. Therefore males attraction to more youthful faces is better explained by the observational standpoint claiming that womens faces always look younger than males faces of the same age, therefore by looking for youth men are more likely to get a healthier female. From the female point of view there is evidence that youth is seen as an important component of attraction as the random attitude drift model claims that attributes such as youth are for aesthetic preference rather than biological function which in turn have led to social pressures for women to remain youthful looking. This is evident as the beauty industry is premised on a multi million dollar quest to retain a youthful appearance as it is known that the ageing process causes a decline in physical attractiveness, thus fashion magazines have portrayed celebrities getting plastic surgery or face lifts encouraging youth. Small feet are also reported to be more attractive to males. This is evident as practices such as foot binding in females in China (Jackson 2002) and US women wearing excessively small shoes (Frey et al 1993) indicates that small feet are a more attractive feature in women. There are two hypotheses as to why this may have arisen. Sexual dimorphism in foot size may lead observers to view small feet as feminine and large feet as masculine. Alternately, because small female feet indicate youth, evolution may have favored a male preference for this attribute in order to maximize returns on male reproductive investment. Frey et al (2005) confirmed these hypotheses using line drawings that varied only in regard to relative foot size, examining attractiveness judgments in nine cultures. .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 , .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .postImageUrl , .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 , .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:hover , .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:visited , .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:active { border:0!important; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:active , .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99 .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u17e789631f472a28ea07919299c5ae99:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Battle of Midway in the Pacific EssayThey found that small foot size was generally preferred for females by males. This confirmed observational hypothesis predicting symmetrical polarizing preferences, with small feet being preferred in women and large feet being preferred in men, however disputed evolutionary hypothesis predicting asymmetrical preferences, with the average phenotype being preferred in men, as according to evolutionary accounts small feet are problematic and associated with pelvic insufficiency. Symmetry is yet another measure of attractiveness that men use when evaluating any potential mate as it is held to be an indicator of good genes (Zahavi, 1975). Scientists say that the preference for symmetry is a highly evolved trait seen in many different animals. Female swallows, for example, prefer males with longer and more symmetric tails, while female zebra finches mate with males with symmetrically coloured leg bands Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is a measure of symmetry of a bilateral character (e. g. ear length or hand breadth) that fluctuates. Although this appears to be a minute detail, it could have its links to our evolutionary past. This is because departures from perfect FA are assumed to be the result of environmental stressors such as physical assaults, parasitic infections, reduced nutrition and disease. For example a high FA (e. g. one foot longer than the other) is thought to indicate a poor condition on the assumption that it requires a sound metabolism to grow perfectly symmetrical features. Therefore good symmetry of the body and face are deemed to be indicators of health.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Road Safety Research Proposal Essay Example
Road Safety Research Proposal Essay Road safety is the complex of factors which ensure the safe situation for the traffic and pedestrians on the roads, preventing them from accidents and dangerous situations. It is obvious that the existence of the human society and the human civilization is closely connected with the condition and quality and quantity of roads, because people always travel form one place to another, transport resources and production of different kinds with the help of roads. The roads existed in the prehistoric times and even thousands years ago the quantity of roads reflected the success and power of the country. Nowadays the situation is fairly the same and every country pays much attention to the quality of the roads which can serve for the great number of vehicles of various kinds. Unfortunately, the road is a dangerous place, because every minute there is an accident on the roads all over the world. There are car crashes, accidents with motorcycles, bikes, pedestrians and passengers who lose the ir life and health on the road. The policy of the road safety is aimed at the improvement of the quality of the roads and their safety for everyone. The road safety touches upon the issues of speed, distance, interval, etc. The safety of the roads is maintained with the help of the special lines for the public transport, trucks, bicycles and pedestrians. In addition there are special places for the pedestrians who want to cross the road. The situation in the boarders of a city, small town and village is supported with the help of the traffic lights, road markings, road signs and the representatives of the police services. The situation on the highways is more complicated and the vehicles have to follow the distance and speed between one another. The issue on road safety is quite difficult for the research, because every country has different strategies and norms of safety. The student can work out his own standards of road safety and present them in the research proposal which would try to persuade the teacher in the success of the chosen topic. The student should write about the relevance of the problem on road safety, the purpose of the research, the methodology of the research and must demonstrate the ideas and solutions to the problems and weak sides of the system of the road safety. We will write a custom essay sample on Road Safety Research Proposal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Road Safety Research Proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Road Safety Research Proposal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A research proposal is a troublesome assignment because students often fail to prepare the assignment correctly and absolutely forget about the convincing tone of the text. Fortunately, the young person is able to take advantage of a free example research proposal on road safety in the Internet. The strong side of a free sample research proposal on road safety is the opportunity to borrow a few pieces of quality advice for the successful writing. At writing service you can order a custom research proposal on Road Safety topics. Your research paper proposal will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated PhD and Masterââ¬â¢s writers only to provide students with professional research proposal help at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. Just visit our website and fill in the order form with all proposal details: Enjoy our professional research proposal writing service!
Monday, March 16, 2020
Strategic dissonance
Strategic dissonance Strategic dissonance is what Praxim is facing. Their implied strategic intent has always been to build the best relationships of any PC supplier with corporate clients. They appear to do this better than their competitors do. However, they have also been happy to take profits off the top end of the consumer market. Now that profits are falling, and the consumer division is to blame, there is a conflict between their mission, and what actually needs to be done to survive let alone grow. CEO Jack Thompson has already made the decision to rethink the firm's strategic vision. His recruitment of Linda Marcus makes it plain that he is willing to significantly alter the goals of the consumer division, and drastically change its position within the company.Just as all managers faced with strategic dissonance, Jack must emotionally detach himself from the old ways of doing things. He has done a good job of allowing debate on the topic among his senior staff, but it seems he still needs to con vince himself that he is doing the right thing.English: This plan was created for the Wikimedia F...Just because the corporate market has been more important to Praxim in the past, does not mean that the consumer market cannot be just as important for the future.The management team at Praxim has arrived at a decisive moment. Even though this area generates 20 percent of the company's sales, profit margins are terribly low in their consumer sales division. If they dispose of it, their profit margin may go up, but the loss of sales might still drive down their overall performance. The team, divided on how to resolve this issue, but a close assessment of the fundamental facts will give way a clearer picture.The company is ready to make the drastic and radical changes Jack's new...
Friday, February 28, 2020
Research Paper Part One Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Research Paper Part One - Essay Example The belly of the stag on the right and the back is painted redder than the rest of the body. The tail region is painted bright red though the tail is not very apparent. The horse is painted as trotting in front of the stag, perhaps painted independently after or before the stag was painted. The horse is painted using red color just as the stag though the tone is slightly lighter. The red color used to paint the gorse is slightly yellowish. Unlike the stag, the color tone is almost equally distributed with no area being either too light or too dark. Even so, the artist that painted the horse used dark color to bring about the appearance of the mane. All the four legs are more apparent than the stag. The bull stands on the top left side above the horse and the horse and the stag. The painting of the bull is more of just the head and the neck region. The head of the bull is painted using darker tones than the horse and the tag. The lower neck region of the bull has been painted using light color. The artist did use various shaped and proportionality to bring out the features of the painting. By making use of various shapes, the artist brought out features such as animal horns especially for the stag. The shapes are not geometrical though some features such as the horseââ¬â¢s mouth comes out in an almost circular shape. The bullââ¬â¢s eye, which appears very faintly, is also depicted in a circular shape. The hills in the background have been painted using imperfect triangular shapes. The middle ground has some round shapes that do not make so much meaning in respect to the painting. The most outstanding element that the artist has made good use of is lines. Lines have been used to bring out every shape and boundaries within the painting. By making use of lines, the artist has been able to mark the boundary of the hills in the background as well as distinguish the
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Approaches Towards Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Approaches Towards Learning - Essay Example This paper declares that constructivism promotes learning through reflection upon experiences. Every person has his own way of visualizing things. The understanding of world varies from individual to individual depending upon the way he/she reflects upon his/her experiences. In education, constructivism increases the studentsââ¬â¢ capacity and tendency to learn by making them adjust their minds according to the pedagogical style of the teacher. However, constant adjustment may deprive the students of their originality. Constructivism is an experience-based approach towards learning. In classroom, students share their experiences with one another to broaden one anotherââ¬â¢s knowledge. Sometimes constructivism leads to too much storytelling that deviates from the original topic. This essay concerns problem-based learning, which is a student-driven pedagogical style whereby students understand a concept through study of complex realistic problems related to it. In problem-based learning, students work in groups to identify the extent to which they are already familiar with the subject, areas that need pondering, and resources that may be consulted to resolve the problem at hand. In education, students understand the subject more thoroughly than they do in conventional learning methods, but too much analysis of one problem leaves too many other problems unstudied because of time constraints.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Case Study Boeing Aircraft Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Case Study Boeing Aircraft Company - Essay Example change in the market, its management had difficulty co-ordinating activities towards its goals as a result of hierarchical management style; problems that had to be resolved by a willing leadership that is open to new ideas. It was imperative that the management of Boeing takes these into account and comes up with a more effective organisational structure and adapting to a newer organisational culture in order to achieve the companyââ¬â¢s objectives. Such change, however, is a worthy risk venture. It is expected that it could be highly resisted by both employees and operational managers. The resistance could emanate from the fear to change (Donnelly et al., 1995). Resistance could also be as a result of fear of losing something valuable or just lack of trust in the management. The large number of employees at Boeing compounds the difficulty of the situation making the change opted by Condit an uphill task. But Condit presents to fore a leadership that can mitigate the upheavals of Boeing by adopting the democratic approach of leadership where he consults his staff. In turn, they feel part and parcel of decision making. This is in contrast with the traditional autocratic style that had been adopted by Shrontz that ââ¬Å"kept every employee at their place.â⬠Thus, with Condit, one foresees a Boeing with a new organizational structure and culture that is embraced by its employees. The present organisational structure and systems adopted by Shrontz were facing a number of issues emerging from the traditional management approach adopted. Condit had the tough task of changing the culture of an organisation in order to enhance its performance and meet stakeholdersââ¬â¢ needs. This paper will examine the problems that Boeing was facing and will unveil how an appropriate leadership style can facilitate change. A major issue for Boeing comprised the aggressive environment that the firm was operating in. Boeing was facing tough competition from other well established
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Summary of To Kill a Mockingbird Essay -- To Kill a Mockingbird Harper
Summary of To Kill a Mockingbird Mayella testifies next, a reasonably clean nineteen-year- old girl who is obviously terrified. She says that she called Tom Robinson inside the fence that evening and offered him a nickel to break up a dresser for her, and that once he got inside the house he grabbed her and took advantage of her. In Atticus' cross-examination, Mayella reveals that she has seven siblings to care for, a drunken father, and no friends. Then Atticus examines her testimony and asks why she didn't put up a better fight, why her screams didn't bring the other children running, and--most importantly--how Tom Robinson managed the crime with a useless left hand, torn apart by a cotton gin when he was a boy. Atticus begs her to admit that there was no rape, that her father beat her. She shouts at him and calls the courtroom cowards if they don't convict Tom Robinson, and then bursts into tears refusing to answer any more questions. In the recess that follows, Mr. Underwood notices the children up in the balcony, but Jem tells Scout that the newspaper editor won't tell Atticus-- although he might include it in the social section of the newspaper. The prosecution rests, and Atticus calls only one witness--Tom Robinson. Tom testifies that he always passed the Ewell house on the way to work, and that Mayella often asked him to do chores for her. On the evening in question, she asked him to come inside the house and fix a door. When he got inside, however, there was nothing wrong with the door, and he noticed that the other children were gone. Mayella told him that she had saved her money and sent them all to buy ice cream, and then she asked him to lift a box down from a dresser. When he climbed up on a chair, she grabbed his legs, scaring him so much that he jumped down. Then she hugged him around the waist, and asked him to kiss her. As she struggled, her father appeared at the window, calling Mayella a whore and threatening to kill her, and then Tom fled. Link Deas, Tom's white employer, stands up and tells everyone that in eight years of work, he has never had any trouble from Tom. Judge Taylorexpels him furiously from the courtroom for interrupting; then Mr. Gilmer gets up and cross-examines Tom. The prosecutor points out that the defendant was once arrested for disorderly conduct, and gets Tom to admit that he has the strength, even with one ha... ...n her costume) has no idea what is happening. Boo Radley's entrance takes place in the thick of the scuffle, and Scout does not realize that her reclusive neighbor has saved them until she has reached home; even then she assumes him to be "some countryman." When she finally realizes who has saved her, the childhood phantom has become a human being: "His lips parted into a timid smile, and out neighbor's image blurred with my sudden tears. 'Hey, Boo,' I said." After Boo's unveiling, all that remains of the story is Heck Tate's decision to say that Bob Ewell fell on his knife, sparing Boo the horror of publicity. The title of the book and its central theme are invoked, as Scout says that exposing Boo to the public eye would "sort of like shootin' a mockingbird." Then she takes him home, and Atticus' admonition to step into someone else's shoes is also invoked, as Scout suddenly sees the world through Boo's eyes. The novel ends here, and the reader is offered no details of Scout's future, except that Boo is never seen again. We have a sense, however, that the story has embraced her entire childhood, and Scout thinks that they have not much more to learn, "except possibly algebra."
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
History of NFL Essay
Jim Thorpe who was a player and a coach for the football team Canton Bulldogs, together with Leo Lyons who owns a football team called Rochester Jeffersons, were the mastermind behind the National Football League (Schweizer and McGovern, 2001, p. 60). The two teams these two guys were a member of were brainstorming one day. It was when the Bulldogs triumphed over the Jeffersons in a match in 1917 when Lyons brought up the idea of forming a league to Thorpe. During this time, Major League Baseball was very popular (Schweizer and McGovern, 2001, p. 60). Thorpe entertained the idea and liked it very much, and decided to pursue the goal immediately. However, Spanish flu became rampant during that time. A lot of football players died in the Great War. There was chaos everywhere, and forming a league was almost impossible. In fact, because of the social unrest, operations had to be suspended (Schweizer and McGovern, 2001, p. 60). The operations of the Bulldogs had to be on a halt. It had to end real soon. Schedules of games were no longer followed because it was deemed necessary to reduce the schedules only to the local groups. It was in 1917 when Lyons came up with the idea of forming a league. It was in 1918 when all the disorder became more noticeable (Schweizer and McGovern, 2001, p. 61). After one year, Lyons could still not get over the unpursued plans, so he went back to New York to encourage teams in Buffalo to a championship match. The Buffalo Prospects were not to back out from this challenge. They gladly accepted the offer and played the game against the Jeffersons for the championship. In this round, the Jeffersons lost to the Buffalo Prospects (Yost, 2006, p. 52). The Bulldogs, by this time, already belonged to Ohio League, which was then an unofficial league. The teams who were part of this league included Ironton Tanks, Shelby Blues, Massillon Tigers and the Bulldogs. Ralph Hay, who was managing the Bulldogs, plus the other Ohio teams, were all convinced by Thorpe to play following the format of a league. Everyone agreed to do this, so a brainstorming session was expected. Everyone contributed to the success of the goals. It was done against Hammond Pros of Chicago, Michigan, and the Detroit Heralds (Yost, 2006, p. 52). During this time, other teams were also holding a game. There were games all over the United States ââ¬â New York City, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois. However, while New York City and Pennsylvania had teams, they were not a contributor to the founding of the National Football League as the blue laws of the latter kept the teams from joining the NFL. It was not until 1924 when the teams were finally liberated from the laws (Yost, 2006, p. 52). The New League The formalization of the league did not come immediately. Football enthusiasts had to wait. Formalization only took place at a Hupmobile dealership help in August 1920 in Ohio. It was first known as the APFC, or the American Professional Football Conference. What this league was composed of were Ohio League teams. However, not all teams that were part of the Ohio League joined. In fact, a lot of them decided not to participate (National Football League, 2009). After a month, the American Professional Football Conference was changed to the American Professional Football Association. Since a lot of teams played from the neighboring areas, more teams joined the league. Soon other teams joined the league, and among the teams include Detroit, Hammond, and two from the New York league namely Rochester and Buffalo. Finally, there were eleven teams that founded the league (National Football League, 2009). All teams became subject to an agreement over the declared champion at the end of the season, and player poaching. At this time, Thorpe was still a member of the Bulldogs and remained a player for the said team. He was in fact the president of the team. Out of all the teams that founded the team, only four of them finished the schedule in the year 1920. The first champions went undefeated for years, and that team was the Akron Pros. Akon Pros was the first champion of the league (National Football League, 2009). More teams became interested in the league. Most of the teams that were added to the list came from the teams in New York. The total number of teams reached 22 in as early as 1921, although this is not to say that membership was already going smooth and stable in the whole decade of the 1920s (National Football League, 2009). In fact, the league was still not considered a national game no matter how many teams have been interested in it, and no matter how many people were actually willing to support the and enjoy the league. It frustrated many people. The league decided to change its name again. It finally became the NFL, or the National Football League, on June 24, 1922 (National Football League, 2009). The Birth of the ââ¬Å"NFLâ⬠At this point in time, two charter members were existing. They were the Chicago Bears, which was formerly known as Decatur Staleys, and the Arizona Cardinals, which used to carry the name Chicago Cardinals. A team which was lightly a part of the National Football League history was there all along, but was not given much significance since it did not join league plays. It was the Green Bay Packers, which was popular for not having changed locations. It was only in 1921 when the said team started playing in the league (National Football League, 2009). The Indianapolis Colts had a rich history, which can be seen through its multiple predecessors. The team is regarded as a separate franchise. It was founded later, only in 1953, and was named the Baltimore Colts. Other teams started to bid their goodbyes, including Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland and Buffalo among other original NFL teams. However, this did not stop the National Football League to develop. There were many replacement franchises to make up for the absence of the teams that no longer existed. New franchises were established (National Football League, 2009). Post-World War College football catered to many fans. It was actually a very big game that millions of people looked forward to. However, after the Second World War, people started to get bored with college football as their attention was diverted to a more challenging game: the professional football game (National Football League, 2009). Because professional football rivaled the football game college students were playing, rules started to be modified. Newer innovations were being released from time to time. It was during this time, too, when the T-formation was started. Football then was no longer just a game for recreation. It became a game that demanded for higher scores (National Football League , 2009). After many years, the National Footbal League was joined by three teams in 1950. teams came from the All-America Football Conference which was no longer functioning at that time. It expanded to 13 clubs. Because of this fast expansion and rising popularity of the sport, professional football has etched its space in the world as a major sport.
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